Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Carding tutorial ebooks

What is carding ?

Carding is the art of credit card manipulation to access goods or services by way of fraud. But dont let the "politically correct" definition of carding stop fool you, because carding is more than that. Much more. Although different people card for different reasons, the motive is usually tied to money. Yea, handling a $9,000 plasma television in your hands and knowing that you didnt pay one red cent for it is definately a rush.But other factors contribute to your personal reason for carding. Many carders in the scene come from poor countries, such as Argentina, Pakistan, and Lebanon where $50 could mean a weeks pay, on a good day. Real carders (the one that have been in the scene the longest) seem to card for something more, however. The thrill of cc manipulation? The rush that the federalles could bust down your door at any minute? The defiance of knowing that everyday that you are walking among the public is another day that you've gotten away with a federal crime? 

here are some carding tuts:-

dowload here:-

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